Aggiornamento di versione 200220
Posta elettronica
Consenti l'annullamento e la modifica dell'avviso di spedizione se l'entrata merci è stata completamente stornata
ID funzionalità


Feature Description

This feature allows suppliers to cancel or edit a ship notice if its goods receipt is fully reversed and it does not have any other related goods receipts. Prior to this feature, cancelling or editing a ship notice with a goods receipt was not allowed, even if the ship notice's goods receipt was fully reversed.

Customer Problem

Currently when a ship notice is created and then a goods receipt is sent, Ariba Network will correctly block any action by the supplier to cancel the ship notice. However, when the related receipt is completely reversed on the buyer system, Ariba Network still blocks the cancellation of the ship notice. The same happens when the supplier tries to edit the document. Suppliers should be able to cancel or edit the ship notice if the related goods receipt was reversed.

Customer Value Proposition

With this feature, there is no longer a need to contact Ariba Network support team to request the manual modification or rejection of these transactions. This makes the process for the customer more efficient.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

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Soluzioni applicabili

Ariba Network


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SAP Business Network 2111

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