Mise à jour de version 200219
Ajouter des champs de fabrication et des paramètres de visibilité aux processus de planification
ID de la fonctionnalité


Feature Description

This feature adds two fields, Manufacturer name and Manufacturer part ID (in cXML, ManufacturerName and ManufacturerPartID), to planning items. This feature also introduces two manufacturing visibility settings.

Customer Problem

Currently there is no way for customers to obtain and retain information in Ariba Network for manufacturer part numbers and manufacturer name regarding a specific planning item.

Customer Value Proposition

Buyer planners can now share and receive from suppliers a manufacturer part ID and manufacturer name for a given planning record. This information can be populated by the customer for supplier managed inventory and forecast processes or by the supplier for manufacturing visibility processes. This information can be viewed in the planning list pages as well as in the part details pop-up of the planning record details screen.

Buyer planning administrators can control the data the supplier sends via the manufacturing visibility process. Buyer planning administrators are now able to control the number of days ahead for which data is sent, and whether the planning records sent must match other existing records from the forecast or SMI process.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide


Feature Enablement

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Solutions applicables

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration

Conditions préalables

Vous devez être un administrateur Acheteur ou disposer du droit d'accès Visibilité pour une collaboration sur la planification.

Vous devez être activé pour le composant Collaboration sur inventaire ou le composant Collaboration sur les prévisions.


Aucun(e) identifié(e)

S'applique à

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2111

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