Atualização de versão 200216
Aprimoramentos para preços unitários temporários em pedidos de compra e confirmações de pedido
Código do recurso


Feature Description

This feature enables buyers to control whether suppliers must explicitly confirm all temporary unit prices in an order confirmation. For suppliers, the feature adds markers to identify which unit prices are temporary, and a checkbox to confirm temporary unit prices.

Customer Problem

SAP ECC purchase order includes the “estimated price" flag (Japan localization) when an order is transferred to Ariba Network. This order should display the estimated price so that supplier is aware this is not the final price. Estimated price is commonly used in purchase orders.

Customer Value Proposition

With the enhancements to order confirmation logic for items with estimated price, customers will have certainty that the supplier has reviewed and confirmed the estimated price sent in the purchase orders.

Product Area



Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

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Soluções aplicáveis

Ariba Network


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Aplicável a

SAP Business Network 2111

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