リリース更新 199830
機能 ID


Feature Description

With this feature, SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway supports audit logging of all activities performed by a user on the portal. This logged information can be used to monitor user activities to detect and prevent malicious activities or as evidence in case of a breach . Activities on the portal by end-users, administrators, and SAP internal administrators will be logged using the SAP audit kernel service. Administrators can access the audit logs by searching for log details in an audit log search user interface.

Customer Problem

There was not audit-logging for customer actions on SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway.

Customer Value Proposition

With this update, customers will be able to review their audit-logs and therefore provide forensic evidence for all actions performed on SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide


Feature Enablement

Automatically On

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SAP ソフトウェアダウンロードセンターまたはメンテナンスプランナから、SAP ERP および SAP S/4HANA 向けの SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway ソフトウェアコンポーネントをダウンロードしてインストールします。詳細については、『SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway インストールガイド』 (英語) の「Downloading and installing the add-on from SAP ONE Support Launchpad」セクションで以下を参照してください




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