FAQ KB0408230
How to resend a purchase order to a supplier

How to resend a purchase order to a supplier ?


There are prerequisites for Resend to Supplier button to appear on a purchase order;

  1. You can resend orders to suppliers whose preferred ordering method is Online or Email.
  2. You must have membership of the Resend Purchase Order or the Purchasing Agent group. Alternatively, you can resend orders for which you are the requester in the associated requisition.
  3. The order you need to resend must be in the Ordered state and must not be fully or partially received.

To resend, take the following steps;

  1. Open the order > Click Resend to Supplier.
  2. The resend purchase order to supplier screen appears. The Supplier email address field on this screen retains the supplier email address to which the order was previously sent.
    • Note, You cannot change the email address specified in the supplier email address field.
  3. (Optional) Enter the email address of an additional supplier contact in the user specified email address field.
  4. Add appropriate comments to justify your action.
  5. Review the email addresses of the supplier contacts for correctness and click OK to send the order.

See Also

Applies To

Purchasing > Purchase Orders

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