Actualización de versión 198077
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SAP Supplier Financing
ID de característica


Feature Description

SAP Ariba Supplier Financing leverages the digital footprints created on Ariba Network to reduce friction for MSMEs (Micro, Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises) in pursuit of financial health.
It’s a self-service solution that enables small businesses who want to find suitable working capital finance by simply consenting access to their data and be provided with a list of pre-qualified offers at competitive terms from multiple online funders/lenders. The suppliers may select one or more pre-qualified offers to complete the full due diligence and on boarding formalities with the funder/lender; which will be covered under separate terms of use and financial agreements of that specific funder/lender. During the term of the financial agreement between the two parties, the solution will also automate exchange of the AN transaction data with the chosen lender/funder to simplify the lending/funding process.

Customer Problem

Small and Mid-Sized Businesses (SMB) constitute the tail end of supply chains. They struggle with cash flow and working capital needs making it difficult for them to sustain and grow their business.

Customer Value Proposition

SAP Supplier Financing brings invoice financing capabilities to the Ariba Network. The unified user experience with SAP Supplier Financing from new Seller Portal enables Ariba Network Suppliers to review financing offers and share their data to achieve their financing goals. As a self-service solution, suppliers have access to personalized and pre-approved financial offers available to them on the network. Small to medium sized businesses can benefit from a simplified process with 100% online borrowing, flexible working capital solutions based on their needs and faster access to capital with pre-approved offers.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

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Vista general de la función

2108 Vista previa de la función de preparación: SAP Supplier Financing 

Soluciones aplicables

Ariba Network

Requisitos previos

SAP Supplier Financing solo está disponible para proveedores con sede en Estados Unidos que cumplan los siguientes criterios:

El usuario debe tener los permisos Generación de facturas y Acceso a la bandeja de salida para ver el widget SAP Supplier Financing y acceder a la página de SAP Supplier Financing.

La primera vez que utilice SAP Supplier Financing, debe dar su consentimiento para compartir datos, aceptar las Condiciones de uso y la Declaración de privacidad y aceptar recibir correos electrónicos de SAP Ariba y de posibles socios financieros.

Para recibir ofertas precalificadas, debe proporcionar sus ingresos anuales. Las ofertas de financiación se presentan en la determinación del socio financiero.


Ninguno identificado

Se aplica a

SAP Business Network 2108

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