Atualização de versão 198031
Informações do parceiro comercial de venda em pedidos de compra e faturas
Código do recurso


Feature Description

When a cXML purchase order includes a BusinessPartner element with the soldTo role, this feature shows the information from that element in the purchase-order details page of the Ariba Network user interface.

Customer Problem

For the Sold-To party there is no clear semantic in the cXML message structure available and therefore it is not clear for the supplier where to get this information from. The adoption of the related cXML has not taken place.

Customer Value Proposition

Adoption on Ariba Network UI to consider the new cXML BusinessPartner Segment for Sold-to​. This provides are more standard handling of sold-to party address information.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

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Soluções aplicáveis

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration


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Aplicável a

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2108

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