Aggiornamento di versione 198029
Posta elettronica
Indirizza sempre la copia del documento di richiesta di approvazione al fornitore in copia
ID funzionalità


Feature Description

This feature adds further enhancements to the order confirmation deviation approval in the multi-tier order scenario. The copy of the approval request document is always routed to the copy supplier.

Customer Problem

If order confirmation deviation approval process is configured in the multi-tier scenario, the ship notice always fails in the copy supplier side because the order confirmation deviation approval document is not routed to the copy supplier. As a consequence, even when buyer has approved a deviation, the updated approval status is not reflected for the copy supplier, which causes the ship notice to fail.

Customer Value Proposition

With this feature, many customers who were interested in adopting the order confirmation deviation approval process, but were not able to do so because of the existing limitation in the approval request document routing, will now be able to allow their suppliers to confirm items out of tolerance and decide if they approve or reject the deviations.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

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Soluzioni applicabili

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration


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SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2108

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