릴리스 갱신 198027
계획 및 예측 협업을 위한 분기별 시계열
기능 ID


Feature Description

This feature adds the Quarterly time series granularity to the existing Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly time series granularities for planning and forecast collaboration. Forecast commits can be made using any of these time series granularities from both the user interface and Excel files.

Customer Problem

A number of customers carry out their planning activities in quarterly time buckets, especially for planning processes that span across long time horizons such as forecast and capacity. However at the moment the planning collaboration and forecast collaboration processes do not support this time granularity level.

Customer Value Proposition

Allow customers to carry out planning processes in quarterly time buckets.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide


Feature Enablement

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적용 가능한 솔루션

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration


구매자 시스템이 예측 협업 구성요소, 재고 협업 구성요소 또는 둘 다에 대해 활성화되어 있습니다.

구매자가 관리자이거나 계획 설정 승인 권한이 있습니다.

계획 > 설정 페이지에서 공급자가 예측 데이터를 확정할 수 있도록 허용합니다 설정이 로 설정되어 있습니다.


식별되지 않음

적용 대상

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2108

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