2108 Readiness Feature Preview: Supplier registration cancellation and Ariba Network account unlinking (SM-28350)

Feature ID: SM-28350
SAP Ariba Readiness Feature Preview - Supplier registration cancellation and Ariba Network account unlinking

This feature makes the supplier registration process more flexible by adding support for canceling registrations and for unlinking Ariba Network accounts from the records of public suppliers and supplier contacts in your site. Registration cancelation allows supplier registration managers to cancel in-progress registrations, providing the ability to restart stalled registrations. Ariba Network account unlinking allows customer administrators to remove the current link to the Ariba Network account of a public supplier or supplier user if needed so that they can be linked to another Ariba Network account.

Planned Feature Release: SAP Ariba 2108 Release

2108 Readiness Feature Preview Supplier registration cancellation and Ariba Network account unlinking (SM-28350).pdf1.82 MB
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