Actualización de versión 197211
Correo electrónico
Informe de perfil de organización
ID de característica


Feature Description

Previously, Ariba Network customers couldn't export their company profile. With this feature, Ariba Network buyers and suppliers can generate an Organization Profile report, a simple way to download their company profile information from Ariba Network in CSV format.

Customer Problem

Per Data Privacy and Protection (DPP) requirements, customers should be able to export their company profile. Currently, there is no straight forward way of doing it in Ariba Network.

Customer Value Proposition

To align with Data Privacy and Protection (DPP) requirements, this feature provides functionality for exporting customer profile details through a new report.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

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Soluciones aplicables

Ariba Network

Requisitos previos

Para generar el informe de perfil de organización, debe ser el administrador de su cuenta de Ariba Network


Ninguno identificado

Se aplica a

SAP Business Network 2108

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