2105 Readiness Feature Preview: Configurable levels for control effectiveness (ARI-9766)

Feature ID: ARI-9766
SAP Ariba Readiness Feature Preview - Configurable levels for control effectiveness 

Controls triggered in the due diligence process can be deemed effective or ineffective, however beyond this binary decision, control reviewers are unable to define the degree to which a control may be effective or ineffective. It is not required that all controls be 100% effective, or 100% ineffective; with a binary system, a custom threshold cannot be defined. Moreover, granular information about effectiveness of a control provides better judgement and decision-making abilities, when it comes to risk - mitigation; e.g. - the types of actions that need to be taken against a 100% ineffective control, will be different than the actions required to manage an 80% effective control. This type of information is not generated in the system today.

Planned Feature Release: SAP Ariba 2105 Release

2105 Readiness Feature Preview Configurable levels for control effectiveness (ARI-9766).pdf505.72 KB
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