Actualización de versión 195744
Correo electrónico
Validar las tolerancias de fecha de entrega en avisos de expedición
ID de característica


Feature Description

This feature allows buyers to set how many days early or late a ship-notice delivery date can be from the delivery date requested in an order or release. If during ship-notice validation this feature identifies a ship-notice delivery date that is outside the allowed tolerance, it prevents submission of the ship notice. Buyers can configure these tolerances for all their suppliers or for supplier groups.

Customer Problem

Buyers need to be able to control delivery dates. Deviations from requested and confirmed delivery dates, whether too early or too late, can result in increased costs for storage or lost sales.

Customer Value Proposition

Buyers can enforce delivery date compliance on the ship notice and improve their visibility and planning for receiving of the product.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

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Soluciones aplicables

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Requisitos previos

La regla de transacción Aplicar tolerancias de fecha de entrega a artículos en línea de aviso de expedición está activada.


Ninguno identificado

Se aplica a

SAP Business Network 2105

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