FAQ KB0405793
How do I reprocess System Errors in SRT_MONI sent from my SAP ERP to SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network?

How do I reprocess System Error messages in Tcode SRT_MONI sent from my SAP ERP system to SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network?


Please follow below steps in sequence:

  1. In selection screen, key in the fields Timestamp from, Timestamp to, Sender Information > Interface Name value if specific to a particular scenario, Processing Status Group as System Error.
  2. Click Execute.
  3. Select all records with System Error and click Actions > Restart.
  4. You need to ensure the user that is used to reprocess has necessary authorizations.
  5. If the user is missing authorizations, you might receive Sequence Error while reprocessing from SRT_MONI.
  6. Please contact your internal SAP ERP basis team if you encounter any such errors while reprocessing. If your basis team is unable to help, please log an SAP OSS incident under component BC-ESI-WS-ABA-MO to resolve the Sequence Error. For instructions on creation of OSS incidents, refer to How do I create an SAP OSS incident?
Additional Information

The transactions fail in Tcode SRT_MONI with System Error/Wait for Scheduler, when there is a connection failure/outage between your SAP ERP and Managed Gateway for Spend&Network. Once the connection issue is solved, you can resend these documents using above steps to ensure no transaction loss.

Applies To

SAP Integration Suite Managed Gateway > Managed Gateway for Business Network
SAP Integration Suite Managed Gateway > Managed Gateway for Business Network SCC > Managed Gateway for Buyer Business Network SCC
SAP Integration Suite Managed Gateway > Managed Gateway for Sourcing Integration
SAP Integration Suite Managed Gateway > Managed Gateway for Sourcing Integration > Managed Gateway for Sourcing - Contract Workspace
Strategic Sourcing

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