Supplier Portal Homepage | Key Insights and Tasks at a Glance
Navigation: Updated menu labels make navigation more intuitive. Inbox and Outbox are replaced with Orders and Invoices. Click here for all menu changes.
Overview Bar and Tiles: Each tile shows a filtered view of your documents and takes you directly to the workbench.
Widgets: Each widget shows you insights related to your business on the network, so you can take action and be even more responsive to your customers.
Transaction Workbench | Custom view just for you
The Workbench tabhas several default tiles, like Orders and Invoices.
Customize your default tiles with filters and views based on your key tasks.
Save filters allow you to set parameters once to customize your experience. You can then Edit filter any time to change search results.
If needed, you can revert back to the old portal by clicking Back to Classic View on the top navigation bar or within your user settings by clicking [user initials] in the upper-right corner of the application.