Mise à jour de version 193515
Acheminement SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway en fonction de l'emplacement du centre de données
ID de la fonctionnalité

REGAN-1757, REGAN-1422, REGAN-1424

Feature Description

With the addition of a new US Data Center for SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway, this feature provides customers with the flexibility to configure the SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway routing in Ariba Network to a relevant data center. Existing SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway customers from North, Central, and South America can now switch over from the Europe Data Center to the US Data Center, and new customers are directed by default to the appropriate data center, based on the country set under their Company Profile.

Customer Problem

Now that a US data center option is available for Cloud Integration Gateway (IG-9425), the configuration must provide existing customers a way to switch from their existing EU data center to the new US data center on the Ariba Network.

Customer Value Proposition

With this feature Ariba Network customers from North, Central, and South America may now switch their configuration to a US-based Cloud Integration Gateway data center, thus helping customers drive improved compliance with their corporate data storage requirements.


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Solutions applicables

Ariba Network

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S'applique à

SAP Business Network 2102

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