Actualización de versión 193238
Correo electrónico
Notificación por correo electrónico de cambios de pedido de compra
ID de característica


Feature Description

This feature introduces support for suppliers to enable email notifications of changes in existing purchase orders. The supplier receives an email displaying up to three updates that were made in the purchase order and is prompted to log in to Ariba Network to see all updates.

Customer Problem

Previously, suppliers were not able to easily configure a simple notification to indicate that purchase orders were changed.

Customer Value Proposition

This feature introduces support for suppliers to enable email notifications of changes in existing purchase orders. The supplier receives an email displaying up to three changed items in the order (line items and schedule lines) with all changed fields within them (unit price, unit of measure, delivery date, etc.), along with their original values.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

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Soluciones aplicables

Ariba Network

Requisitos previos

Para utilizar esta función, el proveedor primero debe activar la casilla de verificación Enviar notificación a proveedores cuando se cambian los pedidos de compra.


Solo aparecerán en el correo electrónico de notificación los tres primeros artículos modificados del pedido actualizado.

Se aplica a

SAP Business Network 2102

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