Actualización de versión 193202
Correo electrónico
Colaboración de pedidos de transporte de stock
ID de característica


Feature Description

This feature adds support for the stock-transport type of purchase order, which is used when stock is moved between two plants within an organization or in different organizations.

Customer Problem

Stock transport order collaboration is not currently fully supported on the Ariba Network. It is not currently possible for the buyer and supplier to collaborate on the movement of stock between two plants within an organization or in different organizations.

Customer Value Proposition

The stock transport order collaboration functionality will enable the buyer and supplier to collaborate on the movement of stock between different plant locations, while also giving visibility to stock in different states throughout the entire collaboration process.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

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Resumen de la función: Colaboración de pedidos de transporte de stock (CSC-20915)

Soluciones aplicables

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration

Requisitos previos

Ninguno identificado


Se aplica a

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2102

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