FAQ 187913
Introducing the new Ariba Network supplier portal and workbench

What changes are coming with the new supplier portal and workbench?


In 2021, we are introducing a new look and feel, navigation and menu options, tile overview bar, and widgets to align all SAP Ariba products. Here are the main changes to expect in your account:

Additional Information

We are rolling out the new supplier portal and workbench in waves, so not every account will see these changes at the same time. Once your account has been enabled with the new supplier portal and workbench, you will be able to go back to classic view temporarily if you're not able to find something in the new portal.

General availability to the supplier portal and workbench for all accounts is scheduled for May 2021.

See this feature's page in What's new in SAP Ariba 2105 (Q2 2021) to learn more.

Applies To

SAP Business Network

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