FAQ 186275
Why is the target field showing multiple values if I have more than one line item?

Why is the target field showing multiple values if I have more than one line item? 

How to use the position looping functionality in CIG (Cloud Integration Gateway) Mapping Tool?


You have simply mapped one field that repeats in a source structure. You need to add a loop to fix this issue following the below steps:

  1. Right-click on mapping line 
  2. Click Target Variable > Add Position Variable
  3. Click field father of the target field
  4. Repeat step 1 and click Add Source Condition
  5. Place the condition on the respect father field on source structure
  6. Click Position Variable > OK
Additional Information

Please refer to launchpad KBA with detailed screenshots: Target Field concatenating instead of creating multiple lines in CIG Mapping Tool - Cloud Integration Gateway.

We have also delivered a webcast where this topic was covered, you could find the recording in the SAP Article How to access CIG Mapping Tool webcast recording.

Also, there is another way to perform the loop in CIG Mapping Tool with the item Value Variable, you could find the steps to perform it in the SAP Article How can I perform the loop function in CIG with value variable?

When using the loop functionality in CIG Mapping Tool, it is a good practice to always set it after all source and target conditions. It is more certain that this will work if this is followed since the CIG Mapping Tool perform the mappings in the order that it is maintained. So if the loop has a condition to happen, the loop won't follow the same if the loop is set before.

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