Support Note KB0398994
Purchasing Org and Company Code data from mapped questions is not being passed or updated correctly in ERP Profile or XML payload

Purchasing Org and Company Code data from mapped questions is not being passed or updated correctly in ERP Profile or XML payload. Values are occasionally overwritten or are not passed at all.


The mapping of this data in your forms can be complex and has several different approaches depending on the scenario you would use to maintain these values. Some common scenarios are laid out below.

Scenario 1: I would like to maintain all company code (CC) or purchasing org (PO) data in a single form in the Supplier Registration Project.

  1. First you setup a question which collects the CC or PO ID. It is recommended that this is a list of choices for consistency.
  2. You will map this question using a self referential mapping. For example, if you are collecting PO ID in question number 1.1 the you will add the mapping: vendor.purchasingOrg($answer.1.1).purchasingOrganisationID
  3. You will then setup questions to collect detail information about the CC or PO. For example, in PO you might collect a cash discount terms code.
  4. You will then map those detail questions to reference the question which collected the CC or PO ID. For example, if you are collecting cash discount terms code in question 1.2 and wish to relate that data to a PO ID collected in question 1.1 you will add the mapping:  vendor.purchasingOrg($answer.1.1).cashDiscountTermsCode



Scenario 2: I would like to maintain some initial company code (CC) or purchasing org (PO) data in the Supplier Request but update these and maintain new values and related data in the Supplier Registration Project.

Initial setup:

  1. First you setup a question which collects the CCs or PO IDs in the Supplier Request form. This question should have a list of choices and be multi select.
  2. You will map this question using a self referential mapping. For example, if you are collecting PO IDs in question number 1.1 the you will add the mapping: vendor.purchasingOrg($answer.1.1).purchasingOrganisationID.
  3. You will then setup questions to collect detail information about the CCs or POs. For example, in PO you might collect a cash discount terms code.
  4. You will then map those detail questions to reference the question which collected the CCs or PO IDs. For example, if you are collecting cash discount terms code in question 1.2 and wish to relate that data to the PO IDs collected in question 1.1 you will add the mapping:  vendor.purchasingOrg($answer.1.1).cashDiscountTermsCode.
  5. You will then setup a question which collects the CCs or PO IDs in a Supplier Registration form. This question should have a list of choices (that contains at least all of the choices from the Supplier Request form question) and be multi select. Any values mapped from the Supplier request form will be passed here.
  6. You will map this question using a self referential mapping.
  7. You will set up a question to collect a single CC or PO ID which will have a list of choices (that contains at least all of the choices from the Supplier Request form question) and will be single select. This question will have no mapping.
  8. You will then setup questions to collect detail information about the CC or PO selected in the last step.
  9. You will map those detail questions to the question which collects a single CC or PO ID but has no mapping, similarly to step 4
  10. Repeat steps 7-9 for however many new CCs or POs you will need or how many you will update from those chosen in the Supplier Request Form

Adding a new CC or PO:

  1. To add a new CC or PO ID to the vendor you will simply edit the Supplier Registration Project form and add a new selection to the multi select questions setup in step 5 of the initial setup.
  2. To add details to this new CC or PO you will need to select it again in one of the single select question setup in step 7 of the initial setup.
  3. You then answer the corresponding details questions setup in steps 8 & 9 of the initial setup.

Updating the details of a CC or PO defined in the supplier request:

  1. First you will edit the Supplier Registration Project form, the multi select question setup in step 5 of the initial setup should already contain the CC or PO ID you are trying to update.
  2. To update one of the CC or PO defined in the Supplier Request form you will need to select it again in one of the single select questions setup in step 7 of the initial setup.
  3. You then answer the corresponding details questions setup in steps 8 & 9 of the initial setup. These will overwrite the details added from the supplier request so if there are some details you wish to keep the same you must key in those answers again or else they will be overwritten with the blank value now mapped to the CC or PO you are now updating

Applies To

Supplier Lifecycle & Performance

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