FAQ KB0396661
How do I create an account hierarchy?

How do I create an account hierarchy?


You can create a parent-child account hierarchy in SAP Business Network, which is one parent account linked to any number of child accounts. This allows the parent account in the hierarchy to manage information not only for that account, but also for the child accounts in the hierarchy.

To create an Account Hierarchy:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the application, click [user initials] > Settings and select Account Hierarchy.
  2. Click Link Accounts.
  3. Click Request link with other accounts if you do not know the administrator login credentials for the account you wish to link, or use the Username and Password fields to enter those credentials if you do.

If you select Request link with other accounts, you will then be prompted to complete additional information to find the correct account.

  1. Enter the Company Name, ANID, or DUNS Number to search for accounts, or click Recommended Accounts at the top.
  2. Click Review Profile to the right of any account in the search results.
  3. Click Link as My Child or Link as My Parent depending on which applies.
  4. Enter a comment and click Send Request.

The request will be sent to the account you identified and will need to be approved to be linked.

See Also

Once an account has been linked, the administrator of the parent account may Sign On as any child accounts linked to access and manage information from the Account Hierarchy page.

The Account Hierarchy Administration permission allows sub users to manage links to child accounts and sign on to child accounts without a username and password. The Child Account Access permission enables a user to sign on to child accounts.

You can neither create an account hierarchy in your test account, nor merge two or more accounts into a single account.

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Administration (Buyer & Supplier Account Administration)
Strategic Sourcing

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