FAQ KB0394951
How do I add a Remittance ID to my account?

How do I add a Remittance ID to my account?


Please follow the steps as mentioned below:

  1. Click [user initials] > Settings > Remittances
  2. Click on circle next to your banking information under the EFT / Check Remittances category
  3. Click either the Edit or Create button

From here you can view and enter a Remittance ID assigned to you by your customer.

  1. Check the section that is indicating Remittance ID Assignment
  2. There will be a white empty box to the right of the customer name called Remittance ID where you will enter this information
  3. Once the Remittance ID has been entered, click OK > Save

Your customer manages and assigns the Remittance ID, so you can contact your customer directly if you did not receive a Remittance ID when you joined the SAP Business Network.

You might need this in order to complete an enablement task or to submit an invoice.

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Administration (Buyer & Supplier Account Administration)

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