
Electronic signing is one of many important and effective business controls that work together to assure the authenticity and integrity of invoices.

Ariba continues to support e-signatures for authentication despite the European community's shift towards other business controls, because the rules and processes for e-signatures are clear and well understood by customers and regulating tax authorities. 

Also, Ariba feels it's important to use country-specific certificates, unlike e-invoicing solutions from vendors that use their own certificates across many countries. In fact, in the case of cross-border trade, the Ariba Network might apply two e-signatures using certificates for the originating and destination countries.

For authentication, it's necessary to validate that both parties involved are who they claim to be. To ensure data integrity both parties must maintain data accuracy and consistency over a transaction's entire lifecycle. 

Ariba customers and auditors familiar with the Ariba Network find that our controls go well beyond what's possible with traditional paper- or imaging-based processes.

The following list describes business controls within the Ariba solution and ERP systems that ensure the data, transactions, communications, and documents are genuine and authentic, and prevent the modification of data in an unauthorized or undetected manner.

Establishing trading relationships

Invoice submission

Data integrity


Validation with tax authorities

Buyers and suppliers can find a more comprehensive definition of the Ariba process and the controls to review with their systems auditor and tax advisor in the Ariba Network Guide to Invoicing

ERP Controls

The above business controls establish a line of defense before buyers apply additional controls in subsequent middleware, ERP, or business processes. Because buyers and suppliers must assure the integrity  of data over its entire life-cycle, it's important that the customer's tax auditor not only understand the Ariba controls but how those control work with those within the buyer's financial and archiving systems, such as the following:

Ariba publishes easy-to-understand technical invoicing information for customers, tax advisors, and systems auditors in the Ariba Network Guide to Invoicing, available here.

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