FAQ 153182
What is a trading relationship?

What is a trading relationship?


A trading relationship is a link between your supplier account and your customer's account on the Ariba Network. It allows for the transfer of documents such as purchase orders and invoices between you and your customer.

If you do not have a trading relationship with a customer, you will not be able to invoice for that customer or complete any related actions.

To establish a trading relationship with a customer on the Ariba Network, you must provide them with your Ariba Network ID (ANID) number, found by clicking the [user initials] in the upper-right corner of the application.  With this, your customer can add your company as a trading partner and send you a trading relationship request.

Once you establish a relationship with your customer you will be able to receive and invoice purchase orders that they send you.

Additional Information

A trading relationship will be required to transact with your customer on both Enterprise and Standard Accounts.

Applies To

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration
SAP Business Network

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