FAQ 150868
How do I view/print a copy of my bill from Ariba?

How do I view/print a copy of my subscription invoice?

  1. In the upper-right corner of the application, click [user initials] > Service Subscriptions.
  2. Depending on whether the invoice has been paid or not, click either the Paid Bills or Open Bills tab. If you don't see the bill in the list, you can perform a search by clicking Find Bills on the Open Bills tab or Extend Search on the Paid Bills tab, selecting the search filters you would like to use, and clicking Find.
  3. Click the bill number hyperlink for the bill you want to see (appears underneath the Bill Description column).
  4. If you want to print the bill, scroll down and select Print.
Additional Information

You can see a breakdown of the invoice details by downloading a PDF copy. To do this, follow steps 1-2 above but before clicking on the bill number use the  icon to Display Bill in PDF Format.

Applies To

SAP Ariba Discovery
SAP Business Network

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