Обновление выпуска 197734
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Возможность копирования информации о группе затрат по отдельным позициям
Идентификатор функции


Feature Description

This feature enables users to copy the entered cost group information across line items from the Cost breakdown page. Users can copy cost group information such as the added cost components and cost element values from one line item to other line items of an event.

Customer Problem

Customers increasingly consider Cost Breakdown Analysis as an alternative to use attached Excel files for collecting detailed cost breakdowns. One of the limitations is that when we have multiple line items, adding the cost components takes a lot of time. In the past, customers copied cost components from one line item to another line item. This could be done easily in Excel.
We also need to allow customers to copy the entered information for cost groups of one line item to other line items.
This is even more important in case a buyer sources the same line item for several plants.

Customer Value Proposition

Ability for buyers and suppliers to easily copy already entered cost group details to other line items. This makes the whole sourcing process for cost breakdowns more efficient and allows both buyer and supplier user to move away from separate Excel files.


Buyer and Supplier

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Feature Enablement

Automatically On

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Применимые решения

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


Для параметра Разрешить группам затрат фиксировать подробную разбивку затрат в разделе Правила торгов шаблона закупочного события должно быть установлено значение Да.


Невозможно скопировать информацию о группе затрат по позициям, если позиции используют разные валюты торгов.

Применимо к

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite 2108

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