Aggiornamento di versione 197663
Posta elettronica
Supporto dell'autenticazione a più fattori per il portale per sviluppatori in Ariba Network
ID funzionalità


Feature Description

Multi-factor authentication is a two-step verification process where users are required to authenticate themselves a second time using a time-based verification code. As compared to the single step authentication process, multi-factor authentication provides enhanced security.

Previously, suppliers attempting to sign in to SAP Ariba Developer Portal using the AN Supplier SSO Sign-in option were re-directed to the Ariba Network supplier sign-in page for authentication. However, it was just a one-step verification process.

With multi-factor authentication enabled, users are required to perform the two-step verification process to log into SAP Ariba Developer Portal.

Customer Problem

Until recently Ariba Network did not provide a feature for multi-factor authentication, which would significantly improve login security when compared to existing user ID/password authentication. There was no verification mechanism to ensure that the individual logging in was indeed the account holder vs. a nefarious entity that had obtained a user’s credentials. Ariba Network customers were requesting that the applications provide a multi-factor mechanism for authentication that would be comparable to existing functionality that is provided by banking institutions.

Customer Value Proposition

The impact of the feature is that it will improve the security at login by forcing the logging-in user to enter in a digital token, from the authenticator app, associated to the user account. This will prevent unauthorized use of the associated account should a user’s login credentials become compromised. Enabling this functionality will significantly decrease the likelihood that a nefarious entity can successfully gain access to the SAP Ariba applications using compromised user account credentials.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

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Soluzioni applicabili

Quando l'autenticazione a più fattori è abilitata per un'organizzazione, gli utenti devono installare un'applicazione di autenticazione come SAP Authenticator da iTunes (per dispositivi iOS) o da Google Play (per dispositivi Android) nei propri dispositivi mobili per generare un codice di verifica a tempo (chiamato anche password monouso a tempo). La configurazione del codice di verifica a tempo è compatibile anche con autenticatori di terze parti come Google Authenticator o Microsoft Authenticator.


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Si applica a

SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2108
SAP Business Network 2108

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