Atualização de versão 195749
Aprimoramentos do faturamento de impostos para a Hungria em conformidade com a alteração do esquema XSD 3.0 a partir de 1 de abril de 2021
Código do recurso


Feature Description

Ariba Network provides tax invoicing solution for Hungary.
Previously, the invoicing solution was using 2.0 XSD schema for invoice reporting to the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) system. However, effective April 1, 2021, NAV mandates the use of 3.0 XSD schema.
The invoicing solution continues to work as before and now provides an option to enter an exemption or VAT out of scope reason as required by 3.0 XSD schema.
The invoicing user interface now displays the list of exemption or VAT out of scope reason provided by NAV and the suppliers can specify the reason for zero-rate VAT during invoice creation.

Customer Problem

From Jan 1st 2021 and before April 1st 2021, suppliers must start issuing tax invoices under the new version 3 of the XSD schema of the NAV system in Hungary. If SAP Ariba does not support v3 by April 1st 2021, invoices will be rejected by the NAV.

Customer Value Proposition

Enable suppliers to continue using SAP Ariba for tax compliant e-invoicing in Hungary after April 1st 2021.

Product Area




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Soluções aplicáveis

Ariba Network


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Aplicável a

SAP Business Network 2105

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