リリース更新 195748
機能 ID


Feature Description

This feature allows buyer administrators to define new attributes for planning items. Attributes provide information about planning records such as the supplier or buyer, the customer part number, and so on.

Customer Problem

The current Planning collaboration functionalities allow customers to share information regarding the planning record by using the standard attributes fields (Customer part no. Customer location, Planner code, Line of Business etc. ).
These standard attributes are pre-defined fields, whose display name and behaviour cannot be modified by the customer. The attributes also play a role in storing planning record data on the Ariba Network, where each planning record is identified by an unique combination of Customer part no. and Customer location attributes values.

For some customers the standard attributes may not be sufficient to share all the information needed to properly identify a planning record. Some customers may want to simply share additional information in customer defined fields. Some customers may also want to use the additional fields as a unique identifier for the planning record on top of the existing Customer part no. and Customer location identifiers. For example a customer may want to add a new field called “Promotion” and use the value of the Promotion field to identify the planning record on top of Customer part no. and Customer location.

However up until now the Planning collaboration functionalities on Ariba Network would not allow to share any information beyond standard attributes, and this results in a limitation of the collaboration between buyers and supplier.

Customer Value Proposition

With the new customer defined attributes the customer can now send additional information to be displayed on the planning record and optionally use the new attributes as additional identifiers for the planning records. This allows buyers to be able to share their planning collaboration data no matter how complex the planning model they use is, thus opening more collaboration opportunities with their suppliers resulting in a more agile and responsive supply chain.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide


Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

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2105 Readiness 機能プレビュー: 計画品目の属性 (CSC-20436) 


SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration





バイヤー管理者は、すべてのプロセスの種類で使用する最大 10 の属性を作成できます。

[サプライヤ管理在庫の在庫日数ビュー]、[サプライヤ管理補充の在庫日数ビュー]、および [全地域の集約予測] ビューでは、属性はサポートされません。



SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2105

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