リリース更新 195745
機能 ID


Feature Description

This feature introduces usability enhancements to the order confirmation deviation approval process. This includes a buyer report of approved/rejected deviations, and supplier ability to create a ship notice without order confirmation (when order confirmation is not required).

Customer Problem

Order confirmation deviation approval process is already supported in Ariba Network. However, there are certain enhancements that have been requested by customers currently using this feature:

- When multilevel approval is configured, and buyer approves and updates a deviation, other alerts from this order are hidden until a change order is received. If the change order from buyer system takes many hours, even days, to be sent to Ariba Network, this could cause delays in the fulfillment process of other line items in the order.

- Customers are not able to easily select all deviation alerts from a page in order to approve them or reject them. This could simplify and make more efficient the buyer's approval or rejection.

- Once an alert is approved or rejected, it is deleted from the deviation list page. Hence, customers don't have information about deviation alerts that they have previously approved or rejected, which is required for audit purposes.

- In order to create a ship notice, suppliers are currently forced to create an order confirmation when order confirmation deviation approval process is enabled. In many cases, the order confirmation is optional, so suppliers waste time executing this additional step.

Customer Value Proposition

With the enhancements to order confirmation deviation approval process, now buyer is able to approve/reject deviations from an order after executing an approve and update action for an item from the same order. This way, the fulfillment process is not interrupted in case of a delay in sending the change order to Ariba Network.
Buyers are able to select/deselect all deviations from a page to quickly approve them or reject them in a single step.
A report with approved and rejected deviations is also now available for buyers. This information is required for audit purposes.
Suppliers are now able to skip the creation of order confirmation when order confirmation deviation approval process is enabled, if this document's creation is optional.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide


Feature Enablement

Automatically On

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SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration






SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration 2105

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