Release Update KB0406095
Supplier classification based on diversity
Feature ID


Feature Description

This features enables buyers to classify their suppliers based on multiple characteristics and support diversity to encourage business with suppliers identified and verified as diverse.

Customer Problem

Companies are increasingly interested in supporting "Diversity & Inclusion" programs through procurement to increase spend with suppliers identified and verified as "diverse" using definitions specific to the buyer organization.

Customer Value Proposition

Buyers can tag their suppliers with Diversity status in SLP which will then be available for them in the procurement process. This helps in tracking the spend and in meeting the company goal for diversity inclusion.

Product Area

Supplier Management



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: SM-25931
Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance
SAP Ariba Supplier Information and Performance Management
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


For SAP Ariba Supplier Information and Performance Management, this feature requires the “new architecture".

You must be a member of the SM ERP Admin, SM Ops Admin, Supplier Risk Manager, or Customer Administrator group to import supplier data in SM Administration.


In the Diversity Info data file:

In the Vendor Diversity data file, sourceSystem field is not supported.

Applies To

Strategic Sourcing 2105
Supplier Information & Performance Management 2105
Supplier Lifecycle & Performance 2105

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