How do I create a service entry sheet?
How do I create a service entry sheet on SAP Business Network from my enterprise account?
You can create and send a service sheet to your customer to describe one or more line items you fulfilled in response to a service order. People in your company who fulfill services at a work site create and send service sheets to customers to describe the services they performed. Service sheets can include contact information for the field contractor, field engineer, and approver.
Below are the steps to create a Service Sheet:
1. Click Workbench > Orders (or another orders-based tile). Perform one of the following actions:
- Click Actions > Service Entry Sheet to the right of the purchase order.
- Click the purchase order to open it, and then click Create Service Sheet.
Each of these options complete the same action, but you can choose the first step based on your own preferences.
2. After completing the first step, enter the Service Sheet #, Service Sheet Date and other header-level information about the service entry sheet in the Summary section. Optionally:
- To add a comment, click the Add to Header>Add Comment and enter comment text.
- To add attachments, click the Add to Header>Add Attachment, click Choose File to browse and add the attachment file, and click Add Attachment. You can only add attachments to service sheets at the header level; customers can set a business rule to require you to add at least one attachment per service sheet.
3. Next you will move to the Service Sheet Line Items in order to adjust the details of the service or material that you are sending this sheet for.
- In the Service Sheet Line Items area, choose any purchase order lines you don't want to include in the service sheet, and then click Delete.
Note: A service sheet needs to include at least one service line. - Enter details of the services you performed for the included lines, such as quantities, unit prices, and service period start and end dates.
By default, service lines use the service period start and end dates specified on the purchase order. - If your customer’s business rules allow you to add ad hoc items to service sheets, choose a purchase order item group and click Add Ad Hoc Item to add the item under it, and then perform the following steps:
- Choose the type of line you want to add: Service for a service line or Material for a material goods line.
- Enter a part number and description for the item.
- Enter the Quantity, Unit, Unit Price, and Subtotal for the item. Unit and Subtotal are required for service lines.
- (Optional) Add or edit the service period start and end dates.
By default, the individual ad hoc lines you add to a service sheet use the service period from the service sheet’s header if it has them; otherwise, they are blank. Ad hoc lines you add as grouped items under an item group use the item group’s service period dates if it has them by default; otherwise they use the header dates. You can edit any default service dates for ad hoc lines. - (Optional) Click Comments and enter comment text for the line.
- If your customer allows you to punch in to their site to add contract or catalog items to service sheets, choose a purchase order item group and click Add Contract/Catalog Item to add the item under it, and then perform the following steps:
- The Add Item page opens to display items configured for invoicing on the related contract. Depending on the type of contract and the way your customer has configured the catalog, the Add Item page either displays the catalog main view or the item list view. For example, an item-level contract displays all available items for invoicing directly in item list view mode, while a supplier-level contract displays the catalog main view for browsing and searching. On the catalog main page, browse by category, follow the category links, or search by keyword or part number to narrow the list of items.
- On the catalog item's listing page, click Add Item to add the item to the shopping cart. Note that the price you see on this page reflects the price before contract pricing terms are applied. Contract pricing terms are applied when you add the item to the service sheet.
- If your customer allows you to add non-catalog items to service sheets during punch in, click Add Non-Catalog Item and enter information for the item.
- Click the shopping cart icon in the upper right corner of the screen at any time to edit your shopping cart contents.
- Click Done.
- Click Next.
- Review the information you entered and click Submit.
You can track the Service sheet submitted to your buyer by navigating to Fulfillment > Service Sheets or under Related Documents when viewing the associated purchase order.
The status of a service line in a purchase order is set to Serviced once you create service sheets against it up to the subtotal amount.
If the line is unplanned and has a hidden maximum amount larger than the subtotal, you can continue to create service sheets against it up to that maximum amount.
SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Transaction Documents > Service Procurement/Service Sheet (O&G)