FAQ KB0405393
How do I create a service entry sheet?

How do I create a service entry sheet on SAP Business Network from my enterprise account?


You can create and send a service sheet to your customer to describe one or more line items you fulfilled in response to a service order. People in your company who fulfill services at a work site create and send service sheets to customers to describe the services they performed. Service sheets can include contact information for the field contractor, field engineer, and approver.

Below are the steps to create a Service Sheet:

1. Click Workbench > Orders (or another orders-based tile). Perform one of the following actions:

Each of these options complete the same action, but you can choose the first step based on your own preferences.

2. After completing the first step, enter the Service Sheet #, Service Sheet Date and other header-level information about the service entry sheet in the Summary section. Optionally:

3. Next you will move to the Service Sheet Line Items in order to adjust the details of the service or material that you are sending this sheet for.

See Also

You can track the Service sheet submitted to your buyer by navigating to Fulfillment > Service Sheets or under Related Documents when viewing the associated purchase order.

The status of a service line in a purchase order is set to Serviced once you create service sheets against it up to the subtotal amount.

If the line is unplanned and has a hidden maximum amount larger than the subtotal, you can continue to create service sheets against it up to that maximum amount.

Applies To

SAP Business Network for Procurement & Supply Chain > Transaction Documents > Service Procurement/Service Sheet (O&G)

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