Atualização de versão 193260
Autenticação multifator para acesso do usuário a soluções da SAP Ariba.
Código do recurso


Feature Description

Multi-factor authentication is a two-step verification process where users are required to authenticate themselves a second time using a time-based verification code. As compared to the single step authentication process, the multi-factor authentication process provides enhanced security.

Customer Problem

Until recently SAP Ariba applications provided only a standard userid/password authentication.  Although this helps ensure only legitimate users gain access to the applications, this will become an issue if the credentials are compromised. There is no additional authentication available on top of the userid/password to fully secure the system, opening customers to a potential security breach.

Customer Value Proposition

SAP Ariba applications users will be able to use an additional factor of authentication by using a digital token when logging into the applications.  This will prevent unauthorized use of an account when login credentials become compromised. Enabling this functionality will significantly decrease the likelihood of a nefarious entity gaining access to the applications.


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

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Resumo do recurso: Autenticação multifator para acesso do usuário nas soluções da SAP Ariba

Soluções aplicáveis

Para habilitar a autenticação multifator para uma conta de usuário e adicionar usuários aos grupos que a gerenciam depois disso, você deve ser um membro do   grupo Administrador de clientes.



Aplicável a

SAP Ariba Buying 2102
SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing 2102
SAP Ariba Catalog 2102
SAP Ariba Contracts 2102
SAP Ariba Invoice Management 2102
SAP Ariba Sourcing 2102
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite 2102
SAP Ariba Supplier Information Management 2102
SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle & Performance 2102

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