Release Update KB0404857
Support for placeholder parts
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature enables buyers to add placeholder parts to a bill of materials. Placeholder parts enable buyers to initiate sourcing activities and collect prices even if the details of a part are not finalized. When the actual parts are available, you can replace the placeholder parts with the actual parts and copy the price information from the placeholder part to the actual part. When you replace placeholder parts with actual parts, you can also initiate creation of purchasing info record for the actual parts. You can search for placeholder parts, and edit and delete placeholder parts.

Customer Problem

Buyers were unable to conduct sourcing if all necessary parts were not finalized within the ERP system. This created inefficiencies, as they were unable to proceed with sourcing parts that were in design phase or undergoing revisions.

Customer Value Proposition

Buyers are now able to source more efficiently by using placeholder parts. They do this by initiating sourcing on parts that will continue to undergo revisions and are therefore not finalized in the ERP system. When parts are available in ERP, buyers can replace the placeholder parts with the actual parts and copy the price information from the placeholder part to the actual part. This helps buyers streamline their sourcing process, even when individual parts are still being developed.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: DMS-13648

Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


Ensure that the following site parameters are enabled:

Note: These parameters are set to TRUE for sites that are configured to use BOM data; if these are not enabled for your site, contact SAP Ariba Support.


You cannot add a placeholder part to a part in a BOM; you can create placeholder parts within a BOM assembly or subassembly.

When you replace a placeholder part with an actual part, you can copy the price only for suppliers and plants that are present in both the placeholder part and the actual part.

When you edit a placeholder part, you cannot change the supplier information.

Applies To

Strategic Sourcing 2102

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