Aggiornamento di versione 192815
Posta elettronica
Miglioramenti ai campi personalizzati per l'integrazione di SAP Ariba Sourcing e SAP S/4HANA Cloud
ID funzionalità


Feature Description

SAP Ariba now supports additional data types when buyers map custom fields between SAP Ariba Sourcing and SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Customer Problem

Many customers have integrated landscapes where demand is captured in the ERP backend and transfered to Ariba Sourcing to be negotiated. When customers needed to add custom fields (to support their business processes and requirements) in the ERP side, these were not getting transferred to Ariba Sourcing. This was a big limitation for those customers, as the tenders did not contain all the required information captured in the ERP.

Customer Value Proposition

This feature enables customers to transfer configured custom fields from SAP S/4 to Ariba Sourcing. These custom fields can now be used in Ariba Sourcing, offering the following benefits:
1. Visibility to additional information which is relevant for sourcing process
2. Automating business process based on the value in custom fields


Buyer and Supplier

What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Customer Configured

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Soluzioni applicabili

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


Questa funzionalità presenta i seguenti prerequisiti:

Per creare richieste di quotazione, è necessario essere membri di uno dei seguenti gruppi:


Nessuna identificata

Si applica a

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite 2102

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