Release Update KB0404843
Ability to use decimal, quantity, and percentage term types for pricing conditions
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature enables buyers to define pricing conditions for item terms of decimal, quantity, and percentage answer types. Previously, buyers could only define pricing conditions for item terms of money, whole number, and text answer types. The cXML documents sent from SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite to SAP ERP through SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway for creating purchase orders, contracts, and scheduling agreements now support pricing conditions for item terms of decimal, quantity, and percentage answer types. Buyers must implement the necessary mappings to support integration of pricing conditions for item terms of decimal, quantity, and percentage answer types. As part of this feature, Purchase info records (PIRs) created in SAP ERP now supports the use of pricing conditions for item terms such as Surcharge Percentage and Discount Percentage.

Customer Problem

Pricing conditions represent the pricing schema of a purchasing document in the ERP system, and are based on information which is captured upon the tendering stage. Buyers could only gather in the tender certain types of information. This led to sub-optimal sourcing processes, missing the opportunity to collect at once all the required information for the pricing conditions.

Customer Value Proposition

Now, buyers can use additional types of data in the pricing conditions. This enables them to collect quantity and period -based prices, as well as other information, as part of their sourcing process streamlining the later stages of integrating these details to an external system.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: DMS-13286
Feature at a Glance


Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite


To use use pricing conditions for line items, the Allow pricing conditions rule in the Bidding Rules section of the sourcing event template must be set to Yes.

To configure item terms with pricing conditions, the Add term to Pricing conditions option for the item term in the sourcing event template must be set to Yes.

To create purchase orders, contracts, or scheduling agreements in SAP ERP and to send PIR information to SAP ERP, ensure that your site is configured to use SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network to integrate with SAP ERP. For more information, see RFQ and award integration with SAP Ariba Sourcing.

If the sourcing event contains Discount Percentage and Surcharge Percentage item terms, ensure to use custom mappings for these terms in SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network.


You cannot configure the default Quantity item term that appears in the sourcing event template to use pricing conditions.

PIRs do not support custom item terms with pricing conditions.

Applies To

Strategic Sourcing 2102

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