This feature enables buyers to use cost elements of a cost group in the line-item formula of a sourcing event. Buyers can configure cost elements as rollup terms and use the rollup value of the cost elements in the line-item formula.
Some tenders require cost breakdowns for buyers to better decide on what is the most convenient quotation. Buyers were mostly using spreadsheets attached to the tender to collect and analyze that information. This was due to lack of a capability to flexibly reference cost terms from the different cost groups and use them in formulae.
Buyers can now create insightful line-item-level calculations based on cost breakdown data to determine a supplier's competitiveness in various cost areas. This streamlines the process for selecting suppliers when cost is a key issue.
Buyer and Supplier
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SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
La regola Consenti ai gruppi di costo di acquisire composizioni dei costi dettagliate nella sezione Regole di offerta del modello di evento di sourcing deve essere impostata su Sì.
Per utilizzare gli elementi di costo nella formula delle voci d'ordine di un modello di evento RDO, impostare l'opzione Esegui rollup risultati in riepilogo sezione per l'elemento di costo su Sì.
Nessuna identificata.
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite 2102