Release Update KB0404838
Ability to view pricing conditions of materials from the View item 360 page
Feature ID


Feature Description

This feature enables buyers to view pricing conditions of materials from the View item 360 page. The View item 360 page provides a new section, Price By Source, that displays the prices with the specific validity periods and scales for the material. You can choose to view validity periods and scales for a specific plant and a source. The source can be a CSV file or a sourcing event that contains the prices accepted for materials.

Customer Problem

Users were unable to get a consolidated and centralized view of historical prices and associated pricing conditions for materials. They had to spend time searching and locating the relevant information, which was all scattered over the different tenders for that material. This was very time consuming and unefficient.

Customer Value Proposition

Now, the Item 360 page enables users to view historical prices of materials, including price per plant and along with pricing conditions. This new view consolidates prices collected via previous sourcing events and uploaded via CSV though legacy import mechanisms. This drastically speeds up the access to that information.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: DMS-8845
Feature at a Glance




Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite

SAP Ariba Sourcing


To view material information in the View item 360 page, you must be a member of one of the following groups:


None identified.

Applies To

Supplier Risk 2102

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