Release Update KB0404835
Pandemic incident type for adverse media monitoring
Feature ID


Feature Description

A pandemic risk incident type is now included with adverse media monitoring from Semantic Visions.

Customer Problem

Customers have expressed concern that they are either not receiving or able to separately view adverse media notifications related to the recent pandemic. Ariba Supplier Risk currently does not monitor and categorize incident types specifically for the pandemic.

Customer Value Proposition

Supplier Risk users may now receive targeted alerts specifically categorized using a new pandemic incident type now made available through Semantic Visions. This new pandemic incident type may be mapped to various risk categories similar to other existing incident types.



What's New Guide

Feature Enablement

Automatically On

Feature ID: ARI-10358
Feature at a Glance




Applicable Solutions

SAP Ariba Supplier Risk


You must be a member of the Supplier Risk Manager, Supplier Risk User, Supplier Risk Engagement Analyst, Supplier Risk Engagement Expert, or Supplier Risk Engagement Governance Analyst group to view supplier risk information on the Supplier Risk dashboard and in supplier 360° profiles.

You must be a member of the Supplier Risk User, Supplier Risk Engagement Analyst, Supplier Risk Engagement Expert, or Supplier Risk Engagement Governance Analyst group to receive and manage alerts for followed suppliers.

You must be a member of the Supplier Risk Manager group to configure risk exposure and run the User Metrics Report


None identified

Applies To

Supplier Risk 2102

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