Q2 2019 Readiness Feature Preview: Allow integrated suppliers to send order confirmations with all item details (PDF)

ID: CSC-12790
SAP Ariba Readiness Feature Preview - Allow integrated suppliers to send order confirmations with all item details

A new entitlement, called "Enhanced order confirmation integration capabilities for hosted and integrated suppliers", is implemented with this feature. Just like the existing entitlement "Enhanced order confirmation integration capabilities", the new entitlement includes line item information from an order in the order confirmation cXML, if the supplier did not provide it when creating the order confirmation in Ariba Network. In addition, the new entitlement requires that integrated suppliers include line item information in the order confirmation cXML.

With the original entitlement, if a supplier omitted an estimated delivery date value during order confirmation creation, generating the order confirmation cXML automatically populates the missing estimated delivery date with the requested delivery date from the purchase order. However, this behavior is not performed by the new entitlement.

Planned Feature Release: SAP Ariba Q2 2019 Release (May)

Q2 2019 Readiness Feature Preview Allow integrated suppliers to send order confirmations with all item details (PDF).pdf198.13 KB
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