FAQ 179632
Why am I only seeing the welcome banner on the buyer's dashboard and not the list of events or questionnaires in the Ariba Proposals and Questionnaires page?

Why am I only seeing the welcome banner on the buyer's dashboard and not the list of events or questionnaires in the Ariba Proposals and Questionnaires page?


Some browser settings might be blocking the content from loading correctly. Review the following options to try to resolve this issue:

  1. Check to see if an ad blocker is installed, such as AdBlock Plus or uBlock. If so, disable or pause it and load the page again.
  2. Try to log in using a different browser, and ensure you are using an Ariba certified browser.
  3. Sign into your account though a private browser (Ctrl+Shift+N).


Applies To

SAP Ariba Sourcing
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle & Performance

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