FAQ KB0395204
What is Demand Aggregation and how do I use it?

What is Demand Aggregation? How is it enabled and used?


Demand Aggregation enables you to consolidate line items from one or more purchase requisitions (PR) into a single aggregated requisition. This allows you to combine spend to take advantage of better tier pricing and more flexible sourcing.

To enable:

To use:

  1. As requisitions are created, they will compared to the Demand Holding Rules. If there is no match, the PR is handled as per normal process.
  2. If a match is found, the lines are held for aggregation as per the matched Holding Rule
    1. For Holding Rules with auto-aggregation, held lines will be moved to an aggregated PR by the Auto-Aggregate Held Line Items scheduled task.
    2. For all other Holding Rules, lines are added to the Purchasing Workbench.
  3. Purchasing Agents use Manage > Purchasing Workbench to manually select held lines and move to an aggregated PR.
  4. The new aggregated PR moves through the procurement process in the same way a normal PR would.
  5. A PR in which all lines were held for aggregation will remain in Approved status.

See Also

You can delete an aggregated requisition, returning all its line items to the Purchasing Workbench by following the below steps

For more details, please check section How to delete an aggregated requisition from Purchasing guide for procurement professionals.

For more details on importing the Demand Holding Rules, please see Demand Aggregation Rules details

Limitations of Demand Aggregation:

Applies To


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