FAQ 152335
Display Order Report to determine if a PO has been canceled

What report can I run to determine which orders have been canceled?


You can run a Display Order Report by following the below instructions: 

1. Navigate to "Order Management" in the green toolbar
2. Select "Display Order Report"
3. Change the following fields:
     Document Type: Change Order (CO)
     Start Date: this will be the date of the first CO was received
     End Date: this will be the date of the last CO was received
4. Click "Search"

Once the data populates in the "Search Result" the Change Orders that have been canceled will not have a value in the "Total Order Value" column of the report.

If you're pulling a large date range or if you have a large number of results, you can export the results and filter on the Total Order Value as "blank" and you will be able to review all orders that have been canceled in the timeframe searched.  

Applies To

Quadrem SupplyCentre

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