FAQ 129704
How can I change the tax percentage on my Invoice?

How can I change the percentage of tax on my Invoice?


If the Tax is incorrect on an Invoice that has a processing status of "sent" please contact the Buyer to request the Invoice to be "rejected." Depending on your Buyer's rules in SupplyCentre, you can either create another Invoice immediately, or a Credit Memo will need to be submitted before resubmitting the Invoice with the correct taxes applied. 

If the Invoice has the processing status of "pending" please follow the below steps to adjust the tax percentage on your Invoice:
1. In the Invoice Summary, click on the Invoice Line#.
2. Scroll down and in the Item Tax Detail, in the second column change the Tax type and click on Add.
3. Scroll up and click on Summary Page on the top to get back to the Invoice Summary.
4. Click Save at the top of the page to force the changes to be applied.
5. Review the calculations and if everything matches the internal Invoice, click Submit.

Additional Information

Please note:
-  When resubmitting Invoices, please use a unique Invoice Number. 
-  If the option is not available to adjust the taxes, please contact your Buyer to request a Change Order (CO) for the taxes to be adjusted at the order level for accurate Invoicing. 

Applies To

Quadrem SupplyCentre

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