FAQ 128997
Adding Users to Supply Network Manager (SNM)

How do I add additional users to be able to access Supply Network Manager (SNM)?


Only a company’s Administrative User ‘tpadmin’ can grant additional users access to Supply Network Manager (SNM).

The administrator can follow these instructions to add a user in SNM:

1. Click the Admin tab

2. Click User Management

3. Click Manage Users

4. Click on Add User

5. Complete the new user profile. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*)

6. Click on Save

NOTE: After registering new Users, Users need to be assigned to a role in order to appropriately access SNM according to their function. 

Roles are classified as follows:

• TradePartnerSupplierManager – this role has authority to grant other users SNM access, edit all user profiles, and edit the company's Trade Partner Profile. This role should be assigned to the company’s SNM Administrative User, tpadmin.

• TradePartnerSupplier – this role is suitable for users with restricted access who need the capability to view information only and do not need to update information.

The administrator can follow these instructions to assign roles to users:

1. Select the User Profile

2. Click on Assign Roles

3. Select the suitable role you wish to assign to the User

4. Click on Save

Applies To

Quadrem Supply Network Manager

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