FAQ KB0392666
How do purchasing unit responsibilities affect approval flows?

How do purchasing unit responsibilities affect approval flows?


Purchasing unit responsibilities affect approval flows as follows:

On the approval flow diagram, an approval subgroup appears with the same name as the original group. However, when you click the group name, the details of the group include an additional field named Context that shows the purchasing unit associated with the private group, as in the following figure:

Note: When the approval flow includes the requester’s supervisor, the supervisor is added regardless of whether the requester and supervisor belong to the same purchasing unit.

The purchasing unit hierarchy does not affect on which approvables a user can take action (for example, which approvables they can approve or deny). In other words, users who can act on approvables from one purchasing unit cannot necessarily act on approvables from a child or parent of that purchasing unit unless they are specifically responsible for the child or parent purchasing unit.

Important: If your purchasing unit setup includes the responsible user capability, keep the following in mind: A user with no explicit purchasing unit responsibilities is not added to the approval flow of approvables from a given purchasing unit if the approval group includes a responsible user for that purchasing unit. This is true regardless of to which purchasing unit the user belongs.

Applies To

Core Procurement > Core Administration > Approval Flows
Core Procurement > Core Administration > Approver lookups
Core Procurement > Core Administration > Purchasing units import

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